Sunday, May 29, 2011

It's only the beginning.

After 1,374 days I finally get to say that I am graduated from high school and so happy! I have made great friends that I will keep forever and learned lessons I could never have learned without all the amazing people in my life.

The girls:
RyAnne, Meleah, Alyssa, Krista :)
The woman who has inspired me for the last 18 years.
Graduation was very wet, it poured the entire time, but still fantastic. We didn't stick around for hugs or pictures at the end, but headed straight for the Project Grad for the fun til 3 :)
We had a combined graduation party for me and my cousin Cameron, who graduated from Aztec, and it turned out to be an awesome idea! We had it at my Grandpa's place, so there were people eating and playing frisbee and boating out on the pond and S'more roasting and TONS of food being eaten all night!

I'm so glad I got to have so much of my family together all at once and I thank everyone for coming and everyone for their amazing support!

I'm so excited that the end of high school is just the beginning. Now is where the adventures start. I will be attending Arizona State University this fall as a freshman to major in English, and I can't wait to see what Tempe holds for me.